How Do Management Consultants Use BeauhurstAdvise?

Lily ruaah, 18 january 2024

As a Management Consultant, you know better than anyone how client expectations can be hard to meet, especially when the market is changing everyday. You’d probably be a millionaire if you collected a pound every time you heard ‘tell me what the next big opportunity’ is.

Being able to answer this question with confidence hinges on one thing—having the right data. This is true whether you’re helping a company to map out its vision, or advising on financial planning and budgeting. We’ve created our BeauhurstAdvise platform to help you give the best client service, and to help you on your way to becoming a millionaire (fingers crossed).

What is BeauhurstAdvise?

BeauhurstAdvise is our specialised product to support companies in finding, and supporting clients. We believe finding the right clients, and being able to offer the best service can only be achieved with the right tools—and most importantly, the right data.

That’s why we created BeauhurstAdvise—a specialised data platform tailored for professionals in the service and advisory industries. It integrates extensive data sources, ranging from financial records to patent information, all in a single accessible location. This allows users to explore a comprehensive database, crafting custom lists of unique leads that are otherwise unavailable.

It’s one of the four products we offer here at Beauhurst, alongside BeauhurstImpact, BeauhurstSales, and BeauhurstInvest.

Ready to up your client game?

Discover how BeauhurstAdvise can help you make a real difference.

Why do management consultants use BeauhurstAdvise?

If you want to expand your client base, and give better service, BeauhurstAdvise is the tool you need. Here are the top reasons why Management Consultants use Beauhurst (there’s loads more, speak to one of our team members to explore the full extent of the Beauhurst platform).

1. Identify high-quality prospects with real-time data

Find and connect with high-quality prospects through the wealth of current, detailed data available on BeauhurstAdvise. Our extensive data platform opens your door to more diverse and promising opportunities.

2. Build stronger relationships

By leveraging tailored information, you can more effectively address the unique needs and challenges of each client, fostering stronger, more enduring relationships. Clients are much more likely to be responsive to you if you’re talking on their level.

3. Demonstrate your knowledge

BeauhurstAdvise equips you with the knowledge so you can stay ahead of the competition, and have clients asking ‘how do you stay so well informed?’. Because we know there isn’t a better way to impress prospects than with accurate, up-to-date information, and fresh insights that they can’t find elsewhere.

4. Increase closed sales

We arm you with the data to win more clients. Our data allows you to not only identify potential leads, but also understand and anticipate clients’ needs better. This means you’re more likely to close sales, and foster long-term relationships.

5. Use data-driven due diligence

BeauhurstAdvise isn’t just about finding new opportunities, it’s also a powerful tool for conducting thorough, data-driven due diligence. Whether researching potential partnerships, investments, or client projects, the platform’s comprehensive data supports you in making well-informed, strategic decisions.

6. Win and keep winning clients

Customer retention is a crucial aspect of any business model, and BeauhurstAdvise equips you with the tools to not only win new clients but also to maintain and grow these relationships over time. Using our data, you can always stay on top of market trends, and filter that down to your clients—so they keep coming back for more.

How The Big Four Use BeauhurstAdvise to Find Fast-Growth Companies at the Right Stage

For example, as a Management Consultant, you might be searching for UK fintech companies to work with. Before meeting with a company you’ll need to do in-depth research on their accounts, and find as much information as possible on the people behind the company, including their investments and news. So you can speak confidently about their company and increase the chance of winning their business. Let’s take a look at how you can do that.
How to find companies:
Using this method to find companies, you can now search for more specific information (In this example, we’re looking at Yoyo):
These are just some examples of how you can use Beauhurst data to deep dive on clients, and close more sales.

What can I use BeauhurstAdvise data for?

Consultants who use Beauhurst data can do more for their clients—and help them across several avenues.

Save time for your clients, save time for yourself

The BeauhurstAdvise platform helps you swiftly pinpoint relevant information, allowing you to deliver results faster. This not only saves time for your clients but also streamlines your workflow, enhancing productivity. Less time, more work done, win win.

Find the right data for the right people

BeauhurstAdvise’s comprehensive database allows you to match the most pertinent and impactful data to the specific painpoints of each client, ensuring a more personalised and effective service.

Collaborate better

Being able to share data, save data searches and show the data that backed your ideas and strategies means more trust from clients. And with access to shared, real-time data, your teams can work together more seamlessly, aligning strategies and goals for better outcomes.

Explore trends

Dazzle your clients with your market knowledge. Our comprehensive data, meticulously compiled by experts, is designed to empower you with insights that surpass expectations for your clients. BeauhurstAdvise gives you access to easy trend analysis and lets you explore what’s happening in the UK market real-time.

Offer more for your clients

With BeauhurstAdvise, you’re not just delivering data, you’re providing a comprehensive, insightful service that enhances every aspect of your client’s strategy and decision-making. This depth of service can significantly elevate client satisfaction and loyalty.

Working with Beauhurst

Our platform was designed to maximise the utility of available data for our clients. By amalgamating information from a variety of sources, we provide an exceptionally detailed and precise overview of the UK market at any given moment.

Our Account Managers are dedicated to ensuring that you fully leverage BeauhurstAdvise, providing tailored advice and insights so you can seize every opportunity. To discover more about our platform and the possibilities of collaboration, schedule a demo below, or talk to one of our team members.

Try it for yourself.

Get access to unrivalled data on all the companies you need to know about.

Book a demonstration of the platform today to see all of the key features and the depth and breadth of data available.

One of our associates will work with you to build a sophisticated search, returning a dynamic list of organisations that you’re interested in.

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