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The data platform for top academic institutions

Nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs

Academic institutions use us for so many different reasons—here are just some of them

Identify ideal partners

Whether you’re collaborating on research or establishing knowledge transfer partnerships, zero in on innovative companies in any given sector with our search tools. Monitor them, assess their growth, and reach out to develop partnerships.

Illustration showing the Beauhurst platform search tool
An example of the search results for the top companies in the education sector on Beauhurst

Analyse market trends

It’s never been easier to understand market trends to inform commercial decisions, undertake reporting and assess your impact. Plus, you can assess your grant funding and spinout activity relative to other institutions.

Find futures for spinouts

Discover ideal advisors and experts. Research comparable businesses and transactions. Even find the perfect investors for spinouts with our matching algorithm… like Tinder, but for funds.

Illustration of a data export from the Beauhurst database showing 35,022 companies found
Asset 33@2x

Develop world-class research

Use our data to build syllabuses and shape lectures with up-to-the-minute market data and industry-leading insights. Because we know how important it is to shape future entrepreneurs.

We have been very impressed with the data held on the system... it’s not only been helpful in identifying and targeting companies we would want to undertake collaborative R&D with, it’s also helped us identify sources of funding for existing relationships, with the view to growing these too.

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