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The data platform for
Local Enterprise Partnerships

Get full visibility of your region—updated daily

Find and support promising businesses

Search across sectors and geographies. Zero in on innovative or scaling companies and exciting entrepreneurs—and identify the best support mechanisms for them. From new grant awards to locally active VCs and accelerators. We’ve got you covered. 

Illustration showing the Beauhurst platform search tool
Map of the UK showing the data visualisation capabilities for local areas on Beauhurst

Track results

Identify success stories and regional strengths with ease. Find the organisations putting your region on the map. Measure the impact of your support, both past and present. And download charts to feature in your reports.

Understand your local area

No more relying on outdated spreadsheets. Our data is always accurate—and always up to date. Discover key trends across sectors, transaction types and company growth. So you can have a full view of your local ecosystem.

Illustration search results showing the number of active companies in New Anglia and top business markets
An example UK company profile on the Beauhurst platform

Simplify screening

Save time checking on grant recipients and companies you’re looking to support or partner with. Easily understand their track records. To avoid scams, fraud and rule breaches.

I would say Beauhurst is a must-have. We may need to hire an extra team member if we didn't have access to the platform.
Jon Bass
Finance Specialist

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