Data on every private UK company. Including the fastest-growing companies. All in one database.
Beauhurst helps you find, engage and win your ideal clients, faster.
Discover just some of our data and features
Evaluate a company in minutes with information on its financials, transaction history, key employees and much more.
Understand your sector and region at a glance with powerful statistics and clear visualizations.
Build a list of the most interesting companies that fit your criteria by searching over 350+ data points.
Stay up to date with clients, competitors and prospects, and get alerts on every transaction as they happen.
Find and connect with the founders, investors, C-suite, directors and shareholders behind the UK’s fastest growing companies.

Our products
Giving government bodies, universities and LEPs access to the data required to create a big impact—and measure its success.
Helping B2B sales teams find and win relevant, high-quality clients with data-backed insights and UK-wide search tools.
Arming investors and accelerators with the data needed to identify opportunities, analyse trends and build relationships.
Enabling those in financial and professional services to source new, ideal clients and advise existing clientele throughout long-term relationships.
Ready to
transform how
you do business?
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